So you old and young seabirds let’s step to the exciting part. There is a big adventure waiting for you. Something for everybody with ample of highlights. The river starting from the beautiful and picturesque town of Stein am Rhein to the destination Schaffhausen follows through a variety of natural experiences. Downstream there is no need for effort, just go with the flow of the Rhine. Past the woods tranquil and old walls the ride has so much to offer. Whether just for relaxing on the boat, for bathing or tanning.

You will enjoy a great time with a great scenery.

From Stein am Rhein your first destination brings you to Diessenhofen, where you can rest and be wonderfully pampered in the rest areas, or outdoors with your own supplies. The adjacent cantons are known for their hospitality and joy experience it, it’s worth. Mind a short bath in the river, but clearly, who dares to take the trip brings time and desire to linger. From Diessenhofen, we continue in the direction of Schaffhausen and pass the small town called Paradise and really it feels heavenly. All nature is reflected in the water and again t feels like a dream.
With the Munot (landmark) of Schaffhausen in sight, we have arrived in Schaffhausen. So the pirate finds that the experience exceeds what one could ever buy with money.